Favorite Kid Quote of the Day

"Daddy, would you like to take my tooth to work? You can put it on your desk and show all of your friends!"

"Mommy, have fun playing with Buggy and Pooh Blanket. And, don't get into any mommy trouble while we are at school."

Claire's bedtime prayer: "Dear God, Janay has a green cold. She has to eat a lot of vegetables right now. Please help her."

My photo
I am a stay at home mom, wife and a children's picture book writer. A journal is a necessity in my life - several as a matter of fact; one for my girls, one for devotionals and one for "to do" lists, story ideas and anything else that might pop into my mind throughout the day. My inspiration for writing is the faith and humor that I draw from the loved ones in my life. We are 200+ and growing! My Dad’s mother is one of 14 siblings and as you can imagine with a large family, comes lots of wonderful stories and blessings! They have given me the ideas and inspiration for several of the picture books that I am currently working on (faith-filled, comical, and rich with history). Thank you for visiting my blog!I hope you enjoy and I look forward to your feedback!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Mrs. Simpson, What Does It Mean to Be In-love?"

A couple of days ago I volunteered to take 18 of the sweetest first graders to lunch for teacher appreciation day. All of the teachers got to partake in a feast at an "undisclosed" location in the building. I love volunteer days because I always get lots of hugs and I am a hugger, so my tank is FULL when I leave school! You know how it is. You walk into school and you see the twinkle in all of their eyes. The little girls hug you, compliment you on the food you served at the last birthday party and tell you how lovely your home is, while the little boys quickly scan the room to see if their teacher has exited the building.

We were finally off to lunch. Everyone was quiet, walking in a straight line and giggling. After all, it is springtime. The bees are starting to buzz and the birds are singing... ahhhh!

We were all seated at the cafeteria table and I was counting heads to make sure I had all of them. Tap. Tap. "Mrs. Simpson." "Yes sweetie," I responded. "Well Mrs. Simpson, I have a question for you." Her precious little eyes rocked back and forth while she quizzically looked up at the ceiling with one fingertip patting her cute little nose. "O.K." I cautiously responded. "What does it mean to be in love?" She asked. My heart stopped beating. "Mrs. Simpson?"

I quickly took a visual scan of my end of the table to see who all was listening. ALL EYES WERE ON ME! I have always wanted the authority to say, "One, two, three...eyes on me." Not as cool as I thought.

So, I do what any well prepared parent would do. I resort to my sales training! When you don't know the answer, you answer with a question. Right? In this case, I desperately needed to buy myself some time :). "What do you think it in means to be in love?" I asked. "I don't know that's why I asked you," she politely but firmly replied. No one giggles. They are ALL waiting for THE answer. Then I get this sweet hand on my arm as this precious one tries to console me. "You see Mrs. Simpson, x kissed y on the playground yesterday. And, x says that she is "in-love" with y." SILENCE. Still waiting for THE answer. She continues.... "The problem is that there are several girls in love with y!" At this point, I wished I was in Star Trek and could be "beamed" to the undisclosed location!

Fortunately, my daughter had brought the whole "x and y" drama to my attention the night before and today, she was sitting mid-way down the table. Half the girls in the class are smitten by y. Poor y, he is so precious and honestly does not have a clue what is going on. And fortunately for y, he was sitting at the other end of the table!

My first kiss (a tiny, nanosecond of a kiss on the lips) was the summer after 7Th grade. I remember the anxiety building up to it, my palms were sweaty, and knots were building in my stomach! What are they doing kissing in the first grade?! More importantly, I ask, why are they so worried about falling in love in the 1st grade?

"Being in love takes grown-up responsibility." I replied. "Do you know how old I was when I fell in love?" "HOW OLD?" They all chimed. "I was 27." "27!?!?" "It was when I met Mr. Mark." They all smiled. I then asked, "How old are you?" "SEVEN!" They all chimed. "So how many years before you need to start worrying about falling in love?" They were all working on the dot math to figure out the answer (hee....hee...hee....). "Twenty!" They shouted. They were so proud of themselves for figuring out the math. I was relieved that everyone was distracted.

Tap.Tap. "Mrs. Simpson. What about the kissing?" Oh jeez. "How many of you have colds right now?" I asked. Several boys raised their hand and they all began, "My nose is running." "My throat hurts." "I am coughing." All the girls including myself replied, "Ewe!" "So, like I said, being in-love takes responsibility AND you can get a cold! Doesn't it sound like more fun to just be friends and have fun playing on the playground?" "YES!"

Tap. Tap. "Mrs. Simpson, when you have some time, I have a lot more questions to ask."

By the grace of God, the mommy with me that day pointed at her watch and shouted (it is loud in our cafeteria), "It is time to go!"

In all seriousness, I spoke with the teacher later and she is going to "address" kissing with the whole class. I am so grateful for her and her teaching knowledge and experience. And later that night, Mark and I were able to talk with Sarah about how each little person in her class is made in a unique, beautiful and special way. It was our first "real" discussion about healthy boundaries and how to respect ourselves and others when it comes to the preciousness of our bodies and why God made them. And, honestly, I can not wait for the next opportunity to have a similar conversation.

Precious little x's and y's, as God's word says in 1 John 3:16, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us."

And as written from a precious little seven year old I know:

I Love Jeses.
I Love My Mom.
I Love My Dad.
I Love My little sistr.
I Love My Dog Belle.
I Love God.
I Love evryone.

Thank you Lord for the purity and preciousness our little ones possess.


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